13 Jan, 2025
8 mins read

10 female inventors who changed the world forever

March is Women’s History Month, and to celebrate, we’re highlighting some of the brilliant and fascinating women who have made a huge impact on society and on everyday life. Beginning in 1978 as a local celebration week, the idea of celebrating women’s achievements grew and grew until it became a month-long National celebration. Now, we […]

6 mins read

10 funniest SNL skits ever, ranked

For almost 50 years now, Saturday Night Live has delivered audiences with many iconic comedy sketches. Coneheads, Stefon, Spartan Cheerleaders, and Mary Katherine Gallagher are only a few of the many classics this series has brought, and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of it slowing down. And with the show’s 50th anniversary around […]

15 mins read

The best games to show off your graphics card

When you’ve splashed out on one of the best graphics cards around, naturally you’re going to want to push it to its limit with the flashiest looking games. You want those freakishly realistic textures, ray-traced reflections you can stare at all day and lighting so good you’ll wear down your screenshot button.  I managed to […]

4 mins read

7 of the Weirdest, Longest Videos on YouTube

This article is sponsored by Optus. YouTube never fails to surprise. Just when you think you’ve seen just about everything the internet has to offer, you’ll stumble across a truly bizarre video that makes you question humanity (or rather, how much time humanity has on their hands). But, you’re clearly on YouTube to pass the […]

10 mins read

10 mistakes the Oscars will never live down

The Academy Awards theoretically celebrate the best of movies and television in any given year. Still, it’s easy to forget that “best” is a completely subjective term, and at the end of the day, Oscar winners will still depend on the tastes, biases, and sensibilities of the 9000-plus members of the Academy of Motion Pictures, […]