All Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Suits – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Guide
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All Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Suits – Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Guide

Fresh Suit – Miles Acquired

This DLC costs $4.99 for early access, but will eventually be free to all players. The description of The Fly N’ Fresh Pack from IGN’s news article reads:

Early access to the Fly N’ Fresh suits will be available for $4.99. Starting March 7, 2024 and continuing through April 5, 2024, PlayStation will donate $4.99 (100% of the purchase price) of each Fly N’ Fresh Suit Pack in the United States to Gameheads, up to $1 million. “We appreciate your help in supporting Gameheads’ mission of empowering low-income youth and youth of color to thrive in the video games industry,” Stevenson said. “Don’t worry, we don’t plan to start charging for suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2; the Fly N’ Fresh Suit Pack will be available for at no additional cost to all players at a later date.”[2]
